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How to fix a Drywall Nail Pop in Texture Ceiling
Learning how to repair nail pops in a drywall ceiling can be accomplished by almost anyone. With a few simple tools that nearly every household will have, you too can learn to patch nails in a drywall texture ceiling.
The main cause of a drywall nail pop is when the wood framing member behind the drywall shrinks or moves. When the framing member moves, the drywall nail will break through the paper too far causing it to pop. Once the drywall nail, also known as plasterboard nail is through the paper too far, this particular drywall nail should be knocked up further past the back side of the drywall or pulled out.

The best method to repair the nail is to take a hammer and nail set and drive the drywall nail through the drywall. You will want the nail to go all the way through as far as possible, to the wood framing underneath is sufficient. If a drywall screw is discovered, follow step 1 in this video Drywall Nail Pops in Wall and then continue with this guide.
Some may worry that the drywall sheet may fall down by doing this. A properly installed sheet of drywall will not come down by losing a couple of nails. However, you can always add 1-1/4 wood drywall screw directly behind the drywall nail that you just drove in. Follow the same practice in repairing the drywall nail for the 1-1/4 wood drywall screw in this guide.
WARNING! If you do add a new 1-1/4 drywall wood screw, be mindful of pipes or electric wires where you are placing the new screw. In todays building practices there should be metal protection plates anywhere there is a risk of a drywall nail or screw hitting something. However, this is not always the case, better safe than sorry! If you feel any resistance at all, do not continue with the screw! You can move back an inch or so and try again.

Once the drywall nail is pushed through far enough, mix your drywall joint compound and apply a coat. As a general guide I like to apply a second coat just to make sure I have a smooth surface. If you have a time crunch you can use a heat gun or hair dryer to speed up the drying process. Be sure not to hold the heat in one area for too long, this will cause the drywall joint compound to crack and possible bubble out.

The final step to repair the drywall nail pop is to put a texture over the repaired area. There are many, many ways to apply a texture and as many different types of drywall joint compound to use. The most commonly used drywall joint compound for a stomp or stamp texture ceiling in my area is a topping compound. Thin the topping compound with water. For small drywall nail pops, I like to fill a sandwich bag with a small amount of joint compound, cut the corner and use as a piping bag. Using the piping back method allows me to keep the nail pop area very small and in turn not noticeable.
Simply dab the repaired area with the piping bag mimicking the original texture. You can also use a mini paint roller or a small paint brush to mimic the look of the original stomp texture ceiling.
Thats all it takes!
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Follow a video example of this guide-Drywall Nail Pops in Texture Ceiling.
Check out our other video on how to patch holes in drywall-Drywall Nail Pops in Wall.
To Fix Nail Pops in Drywall Texture Ceiling, follow the links below for the tools I used in this video. If you have not tried Amazon Prime follow the link to a 30 day free trial with free 2 day shipping.
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Easy Sand 20 Minute Quick Set
14 Stainless Steel Mud Pan
Painters 6-In-1-Tool
Drywall Hammmer
Nail Set
Topping Compound
Heat Gun